Coyote - National Park Service
coyotes (Canis latrans) are among the largest coyotes in the
United States; adults average about 30 lbs. and some weigh around 40
lbs. This canid (member of the dog family) stands less than two feet
tall and varies in color from gray to tan with sometimes a reddish tint
to its coat. Coyotes live an average of about 6 years, although one
Yellowstone coyote lived to be more than 13 before she was killed and
eaten by a cougar. A coyote's ears and nose appear long and pointed,
especially in relation to the size of its head. It can generally be
distinguished from its much larger relative, the gray wolf, by its overall
slight appearance compared to the massive 75 to 125-pound stockiness
of the bigger dog. The coyote is a common predator in the park, often
seen alone or in packs, traveling through the park's wide open valleys
hunting small mammals. But they are widely distributed and their sign
can also be found in the forests and thermal areas throughout Yellowstone.
They are capable of killing large prey, especially when they cooperatively
Wildlife of Yellowstone"
- 94 Minutes
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In 1989,
research was undertaken to investigate the basic ecological role of
coyotes in Yellowstone. The park is one of the few places where the
natural behavior of coyotes is not strongly influenced by trapping or
predator control programs. Here, a unique opportunity existed for scientists
to study the social behavior of coyotes and their interactions with
prey and other predators, such as bears, mountain lions, and to document
their ecology in Yellowstone prior to the proposed return of gray wolves.
captured and radio-collared coyotes, mainly on Yellowstone's northern
range, to study movements and behavior. Males and females were sampled
from at least 16 different resident packs. Researchers estimated that
85 to 90% of coyotes on the northern range belong to packs. Average
pack size during the winters of 1990-93 ranged from 6.2 to 7.1 animals,
typically a dominant, mated alpha-pair and subordinate beta individuals. The betas are pups from previous litters that remain in
the area in which they were born. Evidence strongly indicated that coyote
territories are traditional, with some coyotes using the same natal
dens documented in 1940, when Adolph Murie studied coyote ecology in
the Lamar Valley. Wolf extirpation in the first decades of the 20th
century probably resulted in high coyote population densities and coyotes
at least partially slid into this vacant niche.
Small mammals
are an important component of coyotes' diets. In Yellowstone, such prey
include microtines or voles (Microtus spp.), mice (Peromyscus spp.), pocket gophers (Thomomys talpoides), small birds such
as grouse, and in spring and summer, Uinta ground squirrels (Spermophilus
armatus). In one study (Gese et al. 1996), scientists observed 4,439
predation attempts by coyotes, 35% of which (1,545) were successful.
Young, inexperienced coyotes detected and attacked small mammals at
a higher rate than did older coyotes. Older animals were more selective,
making fewer attempts at small mammal predation, but interestingly,
pups and older coyotes captured similar numbers of small mammals per
hour. The depth and hardness of snow influenced how well coyotes detected
and killed small prey, which was most successful in moist meadows and
sagebrush grasslands. The coyotes capturing small mammals consumed 98.6%
of their kills, only rarely caching or immediately sharing the prey.
However, coyotes often regurgitate their prey to help feed pack members.
Alpha males were seen delivering whole prey to their mates during the
time of gestation and pup rearing. Alphas, betas, and older pups brought
food to the current year's litter of pups at den sites.
from winterkilled ungulates (elk, deer, bison, moose, pronghorn, and
bighorn sheep), as well as predation on these larger mammals, also provides
vital coyote food. Coyotes appeared to affect ungulate numbers in three
ways: predation on calves and fawns shortly after birth, predation on
"short-yearlings" (animals just shy of one year old) and adults
during winter, and indirect impacts from harassment of other predators
at ungulate kills. Researchers in Yellowstone and elsewhere have observed
both successful and unsuccessful attempts at predation of elk calves
and mule deer fawns. Observations of coyotes preying on adult elk and
deer are more rare, although Gese and Grothe (1995) observed 9 such
winter attempts in the park, 5 of which were successful. In all but
one case, the alpha male coyote led the attack. In all cases, the coyotes
attacked from the rear and/or the flanks of their prey. Occasionally
they also grabbed the neck and head, pulling the animal down to the
ground. Successful attacks lasted from 14 minutes to about 21 hours;
even unsuccessful ones varied from 2 minutes to more than 8 hours before
the coyotes abandoned the effort. Depth of snow affected the likelihood
of success, although two or more adult coyotes could kill both calf
and adult elk even during deep snow conditions, if the prey were in
poor condition. In 3 of the 4 unsuccessful attempts, the intended prey
fled into water, and researchers observed several other instances in
which coyotes approached prey but did not pursue when the elk or deer
entered a river. The researchers noted that some coyote pack members
stayed nearby watching while 2 or 3 animals made the kill; in contrast,
in other study areas all pack members appear to all be involved in the
chase and kill.
were also observed harassing both mountain lions and grizzly bears from
their kills. And coyotes were sometimes killed by other carnivores,
especially mountain lions, and by vehicular collisions. Coyotes are
also subject to disease, including several pathogens that are known
to kill coyotes in their first 3 months of life. Park coyotes have also
shown exposure to canine parvovirus, canine distemper, plague (Yersinia
pestis), tularemia, and leptospirosis, but not brucellosis. These
diseases may be transmitted to coyotes from other wild canids, or from
domestic dogs coming into the park.
In 1995,
wolves were returned to Yellowstone. Throughout the restoration project,
coyote research has continued, with an eye toward identifying the interactions
between coyotes and wolves and on assessing the effects of wolves on
coyote populations. During planning and environmental assessment of
the effects of wolf restoration, biologists anticipated that coyotes
would compete with the larger canid, perhaps resulting in disruption
of packs and numerical declines.
early in the post-wolf study period, scientists have already observed
some changes in the northern range coyote population as a result of
restoring the larger canid. Shortly after wolves arrived in Yellowstone,
coyote vocalizations increased in and around wolf acclimation pens and
territories. During 1995-1997, coyote pack territories shifted and,
in some cases, packs disintegrated as a result of one or more of the
alpha coyotes was killed. Coyote den sites are more likely to be under
rocks or closer to the park roadway¾ perhaps because humans pose less
threat to coyotes than do wolves. Coyote pup survival and weight have
increased, as has group cohesion among coyotes; this is likely a result
of their banding together for protection against wolves. Researchers
documented that wolves killed at least 13 adults coyotes in the winter
of 1995-1996 and 7 coyotes during 1996-1997. Coyote numbers have declined,
although the species is still abundant and well-distributed throughout
the park. It is expected that the two species will settle into a pattern
of coexistence such as existed prior to the establishment of Yellowstone
National Park-a pattern that is newly being discovered by many observers
of the ecosystem.
occasionally lose their wariness of humans and frequent roadsides or
developed areas, becoming conditioned to human food by receiving handouts
or picking up food scraps. They can quickly learn bad habits like roadside
begging behavior. This leads to potential danger for humans and coyotes.
Several instances of coyote aggression toward humans have occurred in
the park, including one that involved an actual attack. Habituation
most likely played a role in this unusual coyote behavior.
in 1988, park staff increased monitoring of coyotes along park roadsides.
We experimented with scaring unwary coyotes from visitor use areas with
cracker shell rounds, bear repellent spray, or other negative stimuli,
but there is little indication that such techniques caused long-term
term changes in individual coyote behavior. Those animals that continue
to pose a threat to themselves or to humans may be translocated to other
areas of the park, or even removed from the park ecosystem. Signs, interpretive
brochures, and park staff continue to remind visitors that coyotes and
other park wildlife are wild and potentially dangerous. They should
never be fed or approached too closely, for the protection of humans
and the animals.