Visitor Center & Museum
The Albright Visitor
Center and Museum (open 365 days a year) is located at Mammoth
Hot Springs, five miles inside the North Entrance and at the
northwest corner of the upper loop of the Grand Loop Road.
The visitor center and all the red-roofed, many-chimneyed
houses down the street from it were built by the U.S. Cavalry
during a time when this was "Fort Yellowstone,"
an Army post dedicated to protecting the national park. Although
the soldiers left after the Park Service was created in 1916,
outwardly the old fort has changed little from the time of
Army residency. Fort Yellowstone, comprised mostly of this
block and the two rows of buildings behind it, is one of the
best remaining examples of a 1900-era cavalry post.
The visitor center
(formerly bachelor officers' quarters) now houses a museum
with its major theme being history: Native Americans (pre-1800),
the mountain men (1807-1840), early exploration (1869-1871),
the Army days, and early National Park Service. In early 1998,
new exhibits with a predator-prey theme were installed upstairs.
Of special note
are the Moran Gallery where fine reproductions of watercolor
sketches by the painter and expeditioner Thomas Moran are
displayed and the Jackson Gallery where original photographs
by William Henry Jackson, also of the 1871 Hayden Survey,
are exhibited.
There is a theater
in the visitor center where Park Rangers show film and video
presentations every half hour in summer and on request in
winter. Films include The Challenge of Yellowstone (1979, 25 min) on the history of Yellowstone and the evolution
of the national park idea and Thomas "Yellowstone"
Moran (1997, 12 min) on Moran's contribution toward
the establishment of Yellowstone National Park and are shown
Geyser Basin Museum
Norris Geyser Basin Museum is located 1/4 mile east of Norris
Junction just off the Grand Loop Road. Built in 1929-30, it
is National Historic Landmark. Its distinctive stone-and-log
architecture became a prototype for park buildings throughout
the country known as "parkitecture" (Fishing Bridge
Museum and Madison Museum date from the same time period and
are of the same style). New exhibits on geothermal geology,
Norris Geyser Basin features, and life in thermal areas were
installed in 1995. These exhibits replaced old ones from the
1960s with similar subject matter. There is no auditorium in
this building, and it consists of two wings separated by an
open-air breezeway. An information desk in the breezeway is
staffed by National Park Service interpreters. An adjacent old
restroom facility of matching architectural style houses a Yellowstone
Association bookstore.
The Museum of the National
Park Ranger is housed in the Norris Soldier Station, located
at the entrance to Norris Campground. This building was one
of the original soldier stations, built in 1908, as an outlying
station for soldiers on patrol. The building has been completely
rebuilt, using original materials where possible and staying
true to the original floorplan. The original building was
taken down on site and rebuilt. Exhibits depict the development
of the park ranger profession from its roots in the military
traditions through early rangers and to the present array
of NPS staff specialized duties. A small auditorium shows
a laser-disc production of the 25-minute movie, "An American
Legacy," which tells the story of the development of
the National Park Service. There is no Yellowstone Association
sales outlet in this museum. The staffing is done primarily
by retired National Park Service employees who volunteer for
short periods of time. Many of these employees retired as
superintendents, chief rangers, regional directors, and from
various positions in the Washington office
"The Essenstials
for Planning your
Trip to Yellowstone Park" |
The Madison Museum
dates from 1929-30 and is a National Historic Landmark. Located
at Madison Junction in the Madison Picnic Area, it is built
from wood and stone materials. The building sits near the
site of the legendary campfire circle of the Washburn-Langford-Doane
Expedition. Although no evidence can confirm the authenticity
of this tale, the legend gives us a strong theme for discussion
of the establishment of Yellowstone National Park. In previous
years, this building has been used as a museum, has housed
the Arts Yellowstone program, and has sat empty and abandoned.
It began its new life as an information station and Yellowstone
Association bookstore during the summer of 1995. The museum
contains only touch-table exhibits at present, but plans are
underway to design and install orientation panels. A wayside
exhibit just outside the museum building commemorates the
"campfire story," and a commemorative plaque honors
Stephen T. Mather. |
Faithful Visitor Center
only 200 yards from Old Faithful Geyser, the Visitor 
Center is situated between the Old Faithful Inn and the
Old Faithful Lodge with a wonderful view of one of the most
recognizable features of Yellowstone. A 100-seat auditorium
provides the setting for daily showings of Yellowstone
Revealed, a 14-minute film that reveals newly discovered
life forms and the associated benefits to society through new
breathtaking footage of the park. Evening ranger-led programs
are presented here during the summer and the winter seasons.
The Yellowstone Association sales outlet here provides the largest
selection of their merchandise in the park. |
Village Visitor Center
Grant Visitor Center is located on the shore of the West Thumb
of Yellowstone Lake one mile off of the main park road at Grant
Village Junction. The visitor center and development are named
for President Ulysses S. Grant, eighteenth president of the
United States, who signed the bill creating Yellowstone National
Park in 1872. The facility was constructed during the 1970s
and, along with the entire Grant development, was and is a controversial
Yellowstone development due to its location in prime grizzly
bear habitat (the area is the location of several major cutthroat
trout spawning streams).
The visitor center hosts an
exhibit that interprets fire's role in the environment, using
the fires of 1988 as the example. The movie Yellowstone:
The Unfinished Song (on the 1988 fires--20 minutes)
and the slide show Touring Yellowstone, A Journey
of Discovery (orientation to the park--22 minutes)
are shown on a regular schedule throughout the summer months.
The Yellowstone Association has a sales area in the lobby
of the visitor center. |
Bridge Museum & Visitor Center
Fishing Bridge Museum and Visitor Center is located one mile
off the Grand Loop Road on the East Entrance Road. Built in
1931, it is a National Historic Landmark. Its distinctive stone-and-log
architecture, known as "parkitecture," became a prototype
for park buildings all around the country. The historic bird
specimens (by Carl Russell) were installed in 1931, provide
a good overview of the birds of Yellowstone. Other taxidermied
animals include a grizzly sow and two cubs (formerly from the
Canyon Visitor Center) and a family of river otters. Because
there is no auditorium in this building and because there is
no film, video, or slide show on the resources specific to the
Lake District, we do not show any audio-visual programs in the
Fishing Bridge Visitor Center and Museum. The East Wing of the
building houses a large Yellowstone Association book sales outlet. |
Visitor Center
The Canyon Visitor
Center is located 1/8 mile southeast of Canyon Junction in
the Canyon Village complex. The building was completed and
open for public use in late summer 1957 as part of the Mission
66 project in Yellowstone. Its architecture and design are
typical of other visitor centers of that era. The Canyon Visitor
Center has traditionally been the location of exhibits explaining
the geology of Yellowstone, but there has been no permanent
exhibit here since the summer of 1990. The Fire Exhibit, now
at Grant Visitor Center, was displayed here in 1991. During
the 1992 and 1993 seasons, a geology exhibit designed and
produced by students from Shelley, Idaho; Cody, Wyoming; and
Helena, Montana, was displayed. "Imagine Yellowstone,"
the children's art exhibit, was here in 1994 and 1995, with
a retrospective exhibit in 1996. In August 1997, a new exhibit
on bison was installed. This exhibit is the result of a cooperative
effort between Yellowstone National Park and the Buffalo Bill
Historical Center in Cody, Wyoming. The exhibit deals with
the natural history of bison and the bison as a symbol of
wildness; it also includes information on the current controversy
surrounding brucellosis. Planning for a permanent geology
exhibit is underway. Audio visual programs are currently not
available at the Canyon Visitor Center. The Yellowstone Association
has a large book sales outlet in the lobby.